A s a certified Baby-boomer(circa 1949) retiree (2012), I elected to "retire" young to pursue a career that I had long desired, combining my love of science and my avocation of working with prospective small business owners and entrepreneurs. My decision is far from uncommon as is the decision by many boomers to continue to work beyond retirement age either staying on a full-time job, working part-time or starting a business. Other research shows that taking retirement and actually retiring tends to shorten a retiree's life, and that staying active and involved lengthens it, as well as keeping a retiree healthier and mentally sharper. As more baby boomers reach retirement age, employers such as state governments face the likelihood of higher workforce turnover. For example, in the state of Missouri, more than 25 percent of all active state employees will be eligible to retire by 2016. Such large numbers of retirees threaten the continuity, membership and institution...
The basics of starting and succeeding with a business of your own during our pandemic based on the latest research.