Want a customer service employee who will drive you completely stark-raving nuts with their rude behavior? Go with the candidate with the best credit score. Really. That is the conclusion of Jeremy Bernerth; LSU Assistant Professor in the E. J. Ourso College of Business Daniel Whitman; Shannon Taylor of Northern Illinois University; and H. Jack Walker of Texas Tech University in a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. You want a jerk of a customer service rep who will drive away customers? Hire the guy or gal with a great credit score. Want an effective, warm communicator whom your customers will love? You got it. The one with the so-so credit score. Here’s what led the researchers to this conclusion: " With regards to personality and credit -- it makes sense that conscientiousness is related to good credit, but what was really interesting was that agreeableness was negati...
The basics of starting and succeeding with a business of your own during our pandemic based on the latest research.