The "Engaged Employee" is the backbone of the success of your business. By engaged, we mean an employee who actively works toward the goals you set, who cooperates with your programs. Unfortunately, engaged employees make up only 30% of the American work force, with 70% either just putting in time at your expense or, worst of all, actively engaged in defeating you. For a further discussion of the engaged employee, visit our post: Creating Corporate Culture II: Employee Engagement One generally accepted technique to keeping your engaged employees engaged is to grant them a degree of autonomy in how they organize their work. A book published in January, 2011 concludes that, "Workers who feel they have autonomy -- that they are free to make choices in the workplace and be accountable for them -- are happier and more productive according to an extensive research literature review. And by definition, a happy, productive employee is an engaged employee....
The basics of starting and succeeding with a business of your own during our pandemic based on the latest research.