Are entrepreneurs a self-serving species with their own moral ideas and ethical principles? Media reports about alleged anti-social and delinquent behavior of entrepreneurs are no rarity. Such reports direct the attention towards possibly ’hidden’ anti-social tendencies in entrepreneurial types. Is it true then, that entrepreneurs are all interested in his own benefit and profit and so abandons ethical and social principles? And if so: what makes him so? Researchers from the University of Stockholm and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) tried to answer these questions, and came to some surprising conclusions. Data from 1000 Children over 40 Years The psychologists used a Swedish study, ‘Individual Development and Adaptation‘ which followed 1,000 students living in a medium sized Swedish town over a 40-year time period comparing their later entrepreneurial activity with their social behavior earlier in life. ...
The basics of starting and succeeding with a business of your own during our pandemic based on the latest research.