How to Find Good Employees : On my post of February 18th of this year, we talked about the role of managing stupidity in the success of any organization. "Stupidity Management" refers to the real need of a business to know the difference between routine tasks that must be completed by rote and those tasks that require innovation and fresh thinking. Every business has a need for discipline in tasks that must be performed the same way, each and every time. Every business has a need to creative thinking and fresh ideas on certain other tasks or problems, just not every task of problem. The Hunt for the Creative Individual There are certain jobs in every organization where you, the owner, need original thinking. Or perhaps you're running a business that lives off original thinkers. An advertising agency is a business where the company's assets walk out the door every day at five (ish). Professor Øyvind L. Martinsen at BI Norwegian Business School ...
The basics of starting and succeeding with a business of your own during our pandemic based on the latest research.