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Showing posts from July 18, 2013

Unattractive People More Likely to Be Bullied at Work

" We're more influenced by attractiveness than we are willing to admit ." High school.  Both the high point and low point experience of growing up. Why?  Because every school has an in-crowd and an out-crowd, with the outs often the butt of jokes, teasing and downright mean treatment.  Do we grow out of it? Apparently not, according to new research by Timothy Judge, professor of management at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, and Brent Scott of Michigan State University. In the article "Beauty, Personality, and Affect as Antecedents of Counterproductive Work Behavior Receipt," recently published in the scientific journal, Human Performance, the researchers examine how physical attractiveness plays as much of a role as personality in how a person is treated in the workplace. According to Judge, "Unattractive individuals are more likely the subject of rude, uncivil and even cruel treatment by their cowork...