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Showing posts from October 28, 2011

Conducting An Opportunity Search

A rnold Schwartzenager once said in a TV interview that “there is so much opportunity in America that most Americans can’t see it” or words to this effect.  Is there a reason that of all American citizens, first and second generation immigrants are by far and away the most likely to start a small business?  They walk onto our shores and see nothing but opportunity to create their own future in their own terms.       Opportunity in the United States (and Canada, too, for that matter) is like the Force in the Star Wars movies -- it surrounds us, binds and gives us our power.  But like anything else, we become satiated and saturated, oblivious to the opportunity that floods our daily existence.  An Opportunity Search is the process seeing opportunity where it lurks, and it lurks all around us. *  *  *       Get a pad of paper and pencil or set a binder to note ideas and to paste articles and ads from magazines ...